824332077^#~14^#~2^#~1996^#~announce^#~Jenny Johnson^#~jenjon@abc.edu^#~Harley-Davidson Fashion Show, S.D., CA^#~Friday and Saturday, 16-17 Feb. 1996. (6pm PST) Del Mar Fairgrounds, Del Mar, CA.Leather, Chrome, Ink, and Muscle. Come on down!
824332380^#~14^#~2^#~1996^#~wwwissues^#~Web Developing Wizard^#~webwiz@dev.net^#~What's your favorite application of CGI?^#~The CGI is used for so many different things on the WWW. What is the most popular and useful? Orderforms, Surveys, Catalogs, Search Indexes, Forums like this one....
824334386^#~14^#~2^#~1996^#~movies^#~Melvin H. Movieguy^#~mh@flik.net^#~Academy Nominees^#~I'm wondering if anyone has given any thought to the upcoming 68th annual Academy Awards. It looks like there isn't much competition for Mel Gibson (Braveheart) in the "Best Director" category. The other nominees for that award are: Chris Noonan (Babe), Tim Robbins (Dead Man Walking), Mike Figgis (Leaving Las Vegas), Michael Radford (The Postman "Il Postino"). Write in and offer some of your thoughts and opinions!
824337129^#~14^#~2^#~1996^#~events^#~Joe Newswatcher^#~joe@newswatch.com^#~Clinton's penalty raise for hiring undocumented workers^#~Keeping his word, spoken recently in his State of the Union address, President Clinton signed an executive order yesterday the will make companies think twice about hiring undocumented aliens. Punishment will include a one year disqualification from any federal contracts for any company caought hiring illegals.
824338095^#~14^#~2^#~1996^#~wwwissues^#~Wanda Webster^#~wanda@web.com^#~Compuserve's stand on censorship^#~Compuserve's decision to let it's users have access to it's smut indexes opens a topic that is of much debate in this age of information. Is it enough to provide filtering software to users who feel the need to shield their children's eyes from one thing or annother, or should there be more control over the electronic distribution of porn on the Internet?
824339108^#~14^#~2^#~1996^#~showbiz^#~Gabby Gilbertson^#~ggil@gossip.net^#~Joan Collins' day in court^#~Give 'em Hell, Joan! Random House had taken her to court to try and get back a $1.2 million advance that she had recieved to start a book recently. The jury ended up ruling in her favor, and it looks like she may be getting that much again in her couter-suit. It seems to me that this kind of attention can only serve as a sales boost for the book as people will want to check out the worthiness of her writing for such huge sums of money.
824340424^#~14^#~2^#~1996^#~politics^#~Terry Stanton^#~tstnt@politics.com^#~The race for the Republican Ticket^#~Phil Gramm, once a favored rival to Bob Dole in the fight for the Republican front runnership, is finally talking about withdrawing from the campaign after a disappointing show at the Iowa and New Hampshire Primaries. Pat Buchanan and Lamar Alexander continue to narrow the gap that separates them from Dole. Who seems to be the most likely eventual winner of the Republican ticket? Is it still too early to tell?
824341821^#~14^#~2^#~1996^#~lobby^#~Barbara Bartlett^#~barbi@vita.net^#~Hey, this is really cool!^#~I think this is great! I'm gonna get all of my buddies to come on over and get into the chat!
824349165^#~14^#~2^#~1996^#~lobby^#~Allie Adamson^#~ali@dts.com^#~How much can I write into one message?^#~It's interesting that anybody can just come into this site and start writing in about something and just keep writing. I wonder what the limit is on something like this. Could I , for example, begin keying in with a really involved topic, and go on and on? I recently got an award for the ability of carrying on about virtually nothing for a record amount of time. It will be intereesting to see just how much I can put into this field and still be added to the data file. I guess it's really up to me exactly how much I amd going to put into this thing. Maybe I can get into talking about something like the probability of picking the correct Callifornia Lotto Numbers for tonight's drawing. What if I mached only a few of the numbers? I would be ablel to pay everybody off AND have enough to through a huge party for everybody that matters. What a thought. Hmmm. $30,000,000.00 is the jackpot. I wonder how the pay is on matching like 4 of the 6 numbers or something like that. I guess I'll just have to see. A few weeks ago, I noticed that the numbers drawn were a lot like ones that I would have chosen. Of course, it's easy to say that every time and soforth, but I noticed that each number was from a different set of ten in a linear order (10s 20s 30s 40s, etc.). I know that if I try something like that tonight, the numbers will probably end up being like all 30s. Maybe I should ask my friend Debbie to help me pick my numbers. She is a statistics proffesor at SD State. I think I've written enough to test the char limit in this form field.
824350168^#~14^#~2^#~1996^#~lobby^#~Fred Flintstein^#~fred@oar.org^#~The $30,000,000 Jackpot^#~Hey Allie, if I were you, I would plan on paying a hefty IRS take on those earnings from the Lotto. If you figure that you'll be taking the full $30 mil., you can bet on getting only 1/20th of the full amount every year, before tax. So, $1.1 million per year probably puts you into a bracket of about 30%-40%, so I guess you'll probably be pulling down somehting like $650,000.00 per year after taxes. Where you go after that is totally up to you. Buy a house. Invest in a promising company, like Volant! buy your Mom a car. Save someone's life with a miracle doctor bill payment. Adopt a kid. There's no end to what you could do with 600k. Keep working, though, and try to keep in shape and take care of yourself. It's so easy to turn into a twinkie when all of a sudden you don't have anything to worry about. Good Luck, and remember all of the little people when you're on top of the world.
824350908^#~14^#~2^#~1996^#~lobby^#~Tina Sabrina^#~tsa@aaa.com^#~You guys are silly for wasting your time.^#~I can't believe that you guys are really talking about what to do with winnings you probably haven't purchased a ticket for. I guess it's just something to do with not having enough to do with you day, to make people talk wishfully about coming into a bunch of money. Do you really think that $30,000,000.00 would make you happy and worry-free? Think again. First of all, if you were to come into the winnings, there's NO way that you would be able to keep it a secret. Every charity, bogus and legit', would be coming down on your case before the news even hit the paper. Friends that had mysteriously fallen through the cracks will suddenly appear out of nowhere, and act as if they had been there with you and for you all along, and "So, what are we doing tonight?" You get the picture. Just when you think that winning all of that money is going to make your life simple, you will find out that it's gonna do just the opposite.
824353211^#~14^#~2^#~1996^#~sports^#~Patrick Kilkelly^#~o.patty@kelly.com^#~Nine rounds with an HIV positive opponent^#~I just picked up the paper and read the story abjout the Kansas City Boxer who was found to be HIV positive this week. Evidently, Tommy Morrison had been quite a raging party guy, and it's not surprising. If I were a proboxer, I'm sure that it would be easy to fall into the trap of living like there's no tomorrow and taking the whole works all in one bite. So anyway, bummer about Tommy. Here comes the real issue. How would you feel stepping into the ring with a guy that you knew was HIV positive? I have to say that I would be mighty spooked in more ways than one. Firstly, aside from the obviously apparent risk of getting cut or spit on and contracting the virus that way, I would be thinking about the guy taking all of his misfortune out on me with an uncommonly vital effort. If I were in his shoes, I would probably be so angry and destructive that I'd be blowing people away in the ring - nothing to lose. I know that this is not anything to be joking about. Seriously though, I really don't think that it would be wise to start opening wounds with the guy considering the circumstances. Not enough is known about HIV or about AIDS for anyone to be lax about dealing with it.
824353976^#~14^#~2^#~1996^#~sports^#~Billy Brookstone^#~bil@rok.com^#~"Dead Man Boxing"^#~Yeah, I'm with Patrick. I don't think that it would be a good idea for anyone to get into any kind of a fight with someone that is known to be infected. The real issue isn't really about "what you would do if...". It's more like: What are the laws going to be like until a cure or effective treatment can be found for AIDS? What kind of policies will have to be put into play with regard to sports like pro boxing? Should a given athelete have to pass a health criteria to be sanctioned by the sports association's governing bodies? How will this affect the right to privacy that belongs to all American's?
824354576^#~14^#~2^#~1996^#~sports^#~Heather Conners^#~hotty@conn.com^#~You guys are way to uptight about all of this.^#~What are you guys talking about? The odds of being infected through the contact you would have in a boxing match is relatively low and almost nil. Take a look at the Lakers and Magic Johnson. Do you really think that any of those guys are concerned about the close contact that they would be having with the guy In a basketball game? I'm sure a few were, years ago when not much was known about how the virus is transmitted. My point is that you guys aren't educated enough about this thing to be able to make such judgements. Chill.
824362932^#~14^#~2^#~1996^#~society^#~Eugene Allan^#~ugie@mugga.com^#~More Oddities from the O.J. Trial^#~Bailiff gets shot, and suspect pleas not guilty. Kato seems to have known about a lot more than he was letting on. We still haven't heard enough about this case. This whole thing seems like the Lindburgh baby and The D.B. Cooper thing all put together. Everybody's making money on the thing. Books and videos and books. I just want to get to the next really bad thing to happen and put this stupid case down for good. Oliver Stone should come out with his own version of what happened and call it "O.J.S.". I think that would make a great movie. What a bunch of Romans, we are. What's next? I'm bored.
827699816^#~24^#~3^#~1996^#~lobby^#~Joe Austin^#~joe@volant.com^#~testing 1 2 3^#~This is my test message. It works well.
827705042^#~24^#~3^#~1996^#~lobby^#~Justin^#~justin@foo.com^#~nice system^#~This is really great. I can think of alot of cool uses for this!!
839892057^#~12^#~8^#~1996^#~events^#~joe^#~joe@htmlscript.com^#~testing current events^#~this is a test of current events.
839892229^#~12^#~8^#~1996^#~lobby^#~fred^#~fred@bedrock.com^#~this is a test^#~this is a test in the lobby.\r\n